Subject Oriented: February 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Defense of Marriage

An inordinate amount of time and money has been wasted on efforts to protect marriage, based solely on the irrational fear that allowing gays and lesbians to marry will somehow destroy the institution of marriage.

Let me give you some advice:
if you really want to protect marriage, then make adultery a criminal offense!

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Gay Marriage

This article asks the question: Are civil unions a civil right?

Let's see: our government issues marriage licenses and empowers certain elected or appointed
secular officials to conduct legal marriage ceremonies. These ceremonies confer certain rights (as well as obligations) on the participants. The GLBT community, however, is effectively being denied these rights solely on the basis of religious beliefs. The so-called "defense of marriage" acts, which are becoming all the rage these days, are simply the legal embodiment of those same religious beliefs.

Our government has an obligation to treat all of its citizens equally. Period. If it marries heterosexual couples, then it must marry homosexual couples too.

Are civil unions a civil right? Yes!

Are marriages a civil right?
Hell yes!

Today's word of the day:
pronunciation: thE-'ä-kr&-sE
Function: noun
Meaning: government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.

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Monday, February 27, 2006

Monogamy and Gay Men

Christians often criticize members of the gay community, especially gay men, for not exhibiting the same degree of monogamy as heterosexuals. Of course, this attitude is predicated on the misconception that monogamy is an inherent trait in humans. It's not. Pair-bonding is not entirely uncommon, but it is certainly not as predominate as it in other species. The reality is that pair-bonding among homosexuals is much more prevalent than Christians would care to admit.

Okay, let's suppose, for a moment, that their premise is true: gay men do not demonstrate the same degree of monogamy. This leads us naturally to wonder why.
  • Is it possible that whatever factors contribute to one's homosexuality also tend to suppress or override the urge to pair-bond?
  • Could it also be that up until the time of Lawrence v. Texas, same-sex partners expressing their love for each other was a crime?
  • What if some gay men simply don't want to emulate your ritualized, dogmatic and mind-numbingly boring lives?
Just because some members of given sub-culture refuse convention doesn't mean that you should deny that right to all of the others. Does it?

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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Monogamy and the Church

Man possesses four fundamental instincts:
  • to fuck
  • to procreate
  • to control others
  • to survive
The clergy, however, have often lived a life of self-imposed celibacy -- they intentionally repress the first two of these urges. All of their energies, then, are expended on the latter two. So, unfortunately, at some point in history, they eventually convinced humanity that:
  1. Marriage is a sacred union, ordained by God
  2. Sex outside of marriage is a sin
  3. If you commit a sin, you will go to Hell
  4. The church is God's representative here on Earth
  5. As God's representative, only the church can perform a marriage
  6. God's church must be supported by its parishioners, through tithes and other contributions
This is the greatest fucking scam in the universe.

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High School Gay Day -- Parents Ejected

This is old news, but worth mentioning...

Two women, with nothing better to do, decided to attend Newton North High School's Transgender, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian Awareness Day. When one of them, Kim Cariani-Perakis, began to video tape the event, she was quickly informed that only those who had obtained prior approval could photograph or record the event. The intent, of course, was to prevent the students from ending up on the evening news without their consent, which is precisely what happened. When these "ladies" refused to comply, they were ejected from the premises by the police.

Among the speakers they heard was:
A woman who said her son "came out" as a homosexual described how wholeheartedly she approves of his homosexuality, and that she tries to counsel other parents in that situation who are very upset, telling them "it's really OK."
This sounds like a PFLAG mom. This is a incredible organization. Yes, they counsel other parents who seek help. PFLAG members understand and can relate to what these parents are experiencing -- they've been through it themselves.

Mothers like Kim Cariani-Perakis, on the other hand, do NOT seek out such help. When their sons or daughters come out, they either subject them to some form of "reparative therapy" or simply put them out on the street.

The Principal of the school subsequently wrote an editorial to the local newspaper:
From the Crusades to the Holocaust, history teaches us that when hatred combines with military or political power very bad things happen. A vocal minority in our community would like to silence some of the voices that want to sing about respect and acceptance. This must never happen. Intolerance and hatred come from fear or ignorance. I believe that through education all students can learn tolerance and respect, and that does not necessarily mean acceptance. Education happens in the classroom yes, but in the hallways, at assemblies and faculty meetings too.
Of course, the website rebukes the editorial:
This extremely offensive letter by the principal of the high school is lifted right out of the homosexual movement's propaganda playbook. She portrays homosexual behavior ("sexual orientation") as being exactly the same as nationality or race, and that homosexuality is a person's "true self". She portrays parental concern or criticism as "hatred", "intolerance", and "ignorance". She says such criticism causes children not to feel "safe". And probably most odious and insulting, she compares such parents to Nazis conducting the Holocaust. Unfortunately, school officials who think as she does are all too commonplace across this country.
It also criticizes the handouts provided at the event. One, titled "Love and Let Love", includes a interesting "Heterosexual Questionnaire", meant to help straight people understand how hurtful and damaging their attitudes and actions can be.
  • What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
  • When and how did you first decide you were heterosexual?
  • Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you will grow out of?
  • If you have never slept with a person of the same sex, how do you know that you wouldn't prefer that?
  • To whom have you disclosed your heterosexuality?
  • Why do so many heterosexuals try to seduce others into their orientation?
  • Why must heterosexuals be so blatant, making a public spectacle of their heterosexuality? Can't you just be what you are and keep it quiet?
  • Why are heterosexuals so promiscuous, always having affairs, etc?

The bottom line is simple: if you don't want your children to hear these messages, if you want to raise them in an atmosphere of hatred and bigotry rather than tolerance and respect, then opt-out. Of course, the website claims that students were coerced into attending:
Officially, parents could "opt out" their children from attending, but in practice there was great pressure to go, and kids were interrogated if they didn't attend. Several kids said that they were told they'd be counted "absent" if they weren't there.
Could this be more slanted? I doubt it. So, what kind of "great pressure" was exerted? And how were students "interrogated" if they didn't attend? Students would be counted "absent" if they weren't "there", but where is "there"?

These so-call Christian parents are afraid that one day of discussions about tolerance and respect is somehow going to undue all of the religious indoctrination to which they've subjected their children. Tell me: is your faith really that weak?

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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Semantics -- Wife or Spouse

In this article, John Haskins, commentator and associate director of the Parents' Rights Coalition, is ranting to the editor of the Boston Globe. Apparently he takes issue with the following, an excerpt from an article in the aforementioned paper:
"Jennifer Price, 34, is a doctoral student at Harvard's Graduate School of Education who lives in Newton with her spouse and their two young children. She takes over at Newton North High School in July."
Mr. Haskins writes:
Now, Helen, you're not intentionally avoiding a franker use of English just so the precipitously declining readership of this once great newspaper won't be confronted with the sheer absurdity of this propaganda, are you? Why not simply write "her wife"?
Let's see, what's the definition of spouse:
Pronunciation: 'spaus also 'spauz
Function: noun
Meaning: A marriage partner; a husband or wife.
Mr. Haskins, let me introduce you to another word in the English language:
Pronunciation: 'si-n&-"nim
Function: noun
Meaning: A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language.
And here he lays down the patented homophobic smoke screen used by all rabid bigots:
The Globe has never run an honest article on the far greater prevalence of molestation of children by homosexuals - including lesbians - or an honest article on the statistical near non-existence of "stable" male homosexual relationships, especially of the monogamous kind.
Oh, so now lesbians are molesting children too. Let's talk about "stable" heterosexual relationships for a moment. Here is an excerpt from a Census Bureau report titled, "Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 1996"
About 50% of first marriages for men under age 45 may end in divorce, and between 44 and 52% of women's first marriages may end in divorce for these age groups.

John, do us all a favor: shut the fuck up and crawl back under your slimy rock.

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Gay in the Civil Rights Movement

Bayard Rustin, organizer of the 1963 March on Washington, was openly gay before anyone ever even considered using the term "openly gay". Working closly with Martin Luther King, Jr., he was an activist that opposed violence and bigotry with the nonviolent direct action methods of Gandhi.

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Nazis and the Pink Triangle

The deaths of at least 15,000 gay men in concentration camps were officially documented. This does not include those that may have been classified Jewish or Communist.

The actual number of internees is, of course, debated. Some suggest that 100,000 were arrested by German officials and as many as 50,000 were serving prison terms as convicted gay men.

What's sad is that when the concentration camps were finally liberated, Allied military personnel remanded many of the gay men into the custody of the German prison system, to serve out the remainder of their sentences under Paragraph 175.

Ain't that a kick in the rubber parts.

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And She Wonders...

Two young men move into this women's neighborhood, take a run-down property and transform it (thus raising all of their property values) and even shovel out her car when it snows. One morning, she observes them engage in a PDoA (public display of affection). Were they blowing each other on the front lawn? No. They kissed goodbye and embraced as they left for work.

So what did this fine upstanding Christian women do? She wrote a letter of petition asking them to refrain from their disturbing behavior, got some of the neighbors to sign and even had the cajones to deliver it herself.

Well, since receiving her kind and thoughtful little missive, these young men have apparently had the audacity to ignore her and her attempts to engage them in conversation. They have made it rather uncomfortable for her and the other neighbors.

This bitch is fucking clueless.

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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Federal Marriage Amendment

In this article, Mike Minton writes:
Normally, in issues such as this, I am a staunch supporter of states' rights to make such decisions. And to be completely honest, I would prefer that this decision be left exclusively to the individual states. However, the United States Constitution makes this option impossible. Due to the "Full Faith and Credit Clause" in the Constitution, even if homosexual marriage is illegal in my beloved Kentucky, if a gay couple were to get married in a liberal state such as Massachusetts and then move here, because of Full Faith and Credit, Kentucky would have to recognize the "marriage."
Is this sanctimonious fuck-head actually attacking the United States Constitution?

Well, unfortunately, our constitutional form of representative democracy has opened itself up to just this kind of attack. It gives idiots, like Mike here, two potentially very dangerous weapons: States Rights and Majority Rule.

States Rights -- Today, our world is vastly different from the one in which the founding fathers lived when they developed our system of government.
Then, the country lacked any kind of basic transportation or communication infrastructure. The only effective way to govern the masses was to distribute the bulk of that responsibility to the states. This distribution inevitably lead to cultural, ideological and economic divisions. These, in turn, eventually provoked dissensions, and in 1861 a conflict over States Rights lead to the American Civl War, which resulted in 970,000 casualties including approximately 560,000 deaths.

Majority Rule -- This is a cornerstone of democracy. These days, however, it's being used to legislate opinion. It's become a bludgeon wielded by an angry mob of bigots and homophobes against those who dare to think (or love) differently. Any time you put a person's basic human rights up for a vote, it's... well, to coin a phrase, "That's a bad idea."

Come on people -- we need to start thinking like Americans.
Human rights are simply that: human rights. It shouldn't matter whether I live in Massachusetts, Kentucky, Vermont or Texas. Moreover, our federal government should be working to safeguard our human rights not wasting a lot of time, effort and money trying to limit them.

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ACLU Hails Federal Court Ruling on School Trainings Aimed at Reducing Anti-Gay Harassment

Students in Ashland Kentucky have lost their bid to opt out of anti-harassment training. They objected on religious grounds.
In a 17-page opinion, U.S. District Judge David L. Bunning wrote that a mandatory training "to address the issue of harassment at school, including harassment based upon actual or perceived sexual orientation, is rationally related to a legitimate educational goal, namely to maintain a safe environment." Because the training didn't require any student to disavow his or her religious beliefs, the judge said, no religious opt-out was required.
The students also suggested that the anti-harassment policies violated their First Amendment rights.
At least two gay students are known to have dropped out of Boyd County High School because of harassment, the school's Model United Nations once adopted a resolution declaring an "open hunting season" on gay students, and students in an English class once stated that they needed to "take all the fucking faggots out in the back woods and kill them."
I guess these little pricks really don't understand the distinction between free speech and harassment. They believe homosexuality is a sin, and the First Amendment does give them the right to say so. But they seem to think that ganging up on students at school, shouting "faggot" in their faces and threatening to take them out into the woods and kill them is a matter a free speech. No, you fuck-heads, that's not free speech. That's called assault.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Lewis Black

"The only thing dumber than a republican or a democrat, is when these pricks work together."


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

'Homophobia' Is Not the Problem -- Part 2

Here's some more from the rantings of Lee Duigon:
Blaming homophobia for any bad thing that happens to homosexuals is to hide under the bed of self-delusion.
Bad things happen. Everyone has to put up with a lot of shit. That's an unfortunate yet inescapable fact of life. But bad things happen to members of the GLBT community -- bigotry, hatred and discrimination -- that straight people like you just don't have to face. Any way you cut it, it still stinks like homophobia.
It denies the homosexual's need for God's grace and mercy, and tricks him or her into persisting in rebellion.
You assume that I want God's grace and mercy. I don't believe in your god, and even if he does exist, there's no chance that I'll ever see him, because He knows if I do, I'll tell him to go fuck himself.
It ignores the medical problems that this behavior naturally incurs.
AIDS again. What is it with you? You seemed to be obsessed with sex. Okay. Yes, it's messy. (If you do it right, that is.) And it involves the exchange of bodily fluids. (If you're lucky.) This can lead to the communication of sexually transmitted diseases. These germs really don't give a fuck (no pun intended) whether you're gay or straight.
It denies the wider societal problems -- the decline of the family, the loss of faith in God and in the future, and the erosion of democratic institutions.
Are you actually suggesting that the GLBT community is responsible for all of this? Are you fucking crazy? Let's see:
  • the decline of the family -- if homophobic parents throw their gay children away, then I'd fault the parents, but that's just my opinion.
  • the loss of faith in God and in the future -- again, if the GLBT community can diminish your faith in your god, then that's your problem, and I think the current administration has done more to damage our faith in the future than the GLBT community ever could.
  • the erosion of democratic institutions -- what the fuck have you been smoking? "W", our esteemed President, has done more to erode our democratic institutions than the GLBT community ever could.
Homophobia is a problem. It starts with men like you, Lee, and you seem hell-bent on perpetuating it. Why don't you wake up and see your fear and hatred for what it is.

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Monday, February 13, 2006

'Homophobia' Is Not the Problem

Okay, here we go:
If the Christian Right and all vestiges of "homophobia" were to disappear by magic, homosexual behavior still would be problematic.
Or so you say. However, it would have a distinct advantage over our current condition: we wouldn't have to put up with your sanctimonious shit anymore.
It would still be a sin, and the homosexually inclined person's spiritual problems would persist, no matter what society said.
Okay... If I have spiritual problems, then they are mine to deal with as I see fit. So, go away and mind your own fucking business.
The behavior is a sin not because we say it is, but because the Bible says so.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... thump it a little harder please, and pick up the beat while you're at it. Face it: your bible was written by men who claim to have been "inspired" by God. If they lived today and made such claims, they'd likely find themselves under observation at a psychiatric facility.
Whatever the damage done by "homophobia", the damage done to society by the homosexual movement is considerable. Among other things, it has accelerated Western civilization's falling away from faith in God, as timeless truths are reduced to cultural relativism.
Oh, puh-lease... The GLBT community wants equal rights under the law. Equality. You know, like it says in the Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal." If that somehow shakes or diminishes your faith in your God, then that's your problem.
Homosexuals' medical problems would still be there, no matter what society said.
I assume you refer to AIDS. Yes, this disease is a problem, and it's not going away any time soon. What you fail to acknowledge is that this is not a gay disease. This plague threatened humanity long before the first gay man was ever infected. Moreover, the GLBT community did far more during the initial stages of this epidemic to stem the tide in this country then our medical community or government even considered.
Societal affirmation of this behavior is widening the health crisis, as evidenced by the rise in drug-resistant STDs.
No! Your naivete and absurd insistence on abstinence-based sex education is what has exacerbated the health crises that we face today. You stand around pontificating; you extol the virtues of purity and virginity, while thirteen-year-old kids are engaging in "oral" in the back of movie theaters. At that age, they think they're indestructible. You can't seem to control their behavior, yet you adamantly refuse to give them the means of protecting themselves.

Moreover, your conclusion is asinine. Drug resistant bacterial and viral strains have become prevalent because:
  1. People demand a quick-fix -- if they have a problem, they want a pill to cure it right now, be it the common cold or erectile dysfuction.
  2. Doctors have become business men -- they want to satisfy their customers, and more often than not that means writing a prescription.
  3. Drug manufacturers are companies -- they make money by discovering new drugs and pushing them as hard as they can.

If affirming problematic behavior does not encourage more people to indulge in it, then there would be no reason to ban cigarette advertising.
Whoa, Mr. Marlboro Man... Let's get the story straight. (no pun intended)

Smoking cigarettes is a choice, and whether you believe it or not, being gay is NOT. Banning cigarette advertising prevents tobacco companies from trying to convince people to engage in an activity that will kill them. Now, despite your fears to the contrary, granting equal rights to the GLBT community will NOT convince any otherwise heterosexual person to suddenly become gay. It just isn't going to fucking happen.

In today's society, homophobia is not the only problem, but it IS A PROBLEM, and it's assholes like you, Lee Duigon, that perpetuate these attitudes of hatred and bigotry.

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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Latter Days -- Tuesday, 3 A.M.

Tuesday, 3 A.M.,
Once again I'm wide awake.
Waiting for time to mend this part of me that keeps on breaking.
Newpapers I threw away, washed the dishes in the sink.
3 AM on Tuesday, I have too much time to think.
And I could call up to heaven, or I could crawl down to hell,
Nothing will change the way things are and nothing ever will.
He thinks I can't hear him cry and I pretend that I don't know, or
about all the 3 AM's he spends wrestling with your ghost.
I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell,
He still can't get over you, I know he never will.
Nothing he says will bring you back,
He's got nothing left to show
But a pocket watch and memories of a kiss out in the snow.
And I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down to Hell.
He still can't get over you, I know he never will.

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Immortal Words of Steve Goodman

Well, it was all that I could do to keep from crying,
sometimes it seems so useless to remain.


The GOP is Revolting

According to this article, Arnold Schwarzenegger is in hot water with the Republicans over his chief of staff, LGBT activist Susan Kennedy. The governor hired Ms. Kennedy in November as damage control after vetoing a bill that would have allowed same-sex marriage in his state.

His comments during a recent speech at the Sacramento Press Club amounted to a somewhat left-handed compliment:
"She's spectacular. She's much better than I thought, and I'm looking forward to working with her for many more years," he said.
I have to ask: what contributed to Arnie's low expectations? Could it be that she's:
  • a women
  • a lesbian
  • an LGBT activist
  • a former state Democratic Party official
  • all of the above
So, the Republicans are threatening to withhold their endorsement in his upcoming re-election bid unless he fires her. He's caved before; he'll do it again.

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Adam Sandler Goes Gay

It's been announced that Adam Sandler is set to star in an upcoming gay comedy to be titled "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry." This is nothing more than Hollywood trying to ride the coattails of Brokeback Mountain. In fact, it's becoming quite fashionable for popular Hollywood actors, like Brad Pitt, to seek out gay roles.

Labeling this movie a gay comedy is somewhat misleading, isn't it? The story is about two straight men who pretend to be gay in order to qualify for domestic partner benefits. Following that logic, then, The Birdcage is a straight comedy, right?

Here's a good question: Why are movies about straight men pretending to be gay invariably comedies? Isn't that just a little bit derogatory? Consider Boat Trip, an obnoxious little piece of tripe staring Cuba Gooding Jr. as a straight man who gets booked onto a gay cruise and pretends to be gay so he can shtup Vivica Fox. It was a steaming pile of shit. Given that the equally obnoxious Adam Sandler is involved, can this latest attempt in the genre be any more successful?

see also:

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Homophobic Slurs

You've heard faggot, fudge packer and "(you're|that's) so gay." Well now, students at Gonzaga University, a Jesuit school, have taken to chanting "Brokeback Mountain" at opponents during sporting events. Apparently, this new epithet was coined by members of the university's Kennel Club, which is apropos given that they behave as if they ought to be tied up and kept behind a chain-link fence.

Maybe this will start a trend -- using movie titles as slurs. Come to think of it, the aforementioned members of
the genus Canis do suggest a few examples:
Actually, I retract the last two... I have a certain reverence for the male phallus. It's a work of beauty and serves several very useful purposes. So, suggesting that these assholes are dicks is
demeaning to every penis on the planet.

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

'Unnatural' gay sex at 16 move attacked

I'm not sure what's going on in this article. I can't say that it's terribly well written, but I think I get the gist. Someone, Deputy Ron Le Moignan I presume, is objecting to lowering the age of consent for gay sex to 16. One presumes that the age of consent for heterosexuals in this jurisdiction is 16, otherwise, the whole subject would be moot. The debate, then, is really whether everyone should be treated equally.

Here are some interesting quotes from the article. Unfortunately, it's difficult to determine the attribution from the context, but it's presumed this is
Deputy Ron Le Moignan speaking:
'Aids [sic] started from San Francisco, the first big outbreak, and that's well recognised as being a mainly gay town.'
Hey, Ron, get your head out of your ass. The first known case of HIV in a human was found in a person who died in the Congo in 1959. By 1981, when the first cases started to appear in LA, SF and NY, HIV was already ravaging the African continent.
'I dislike the idea of men hanging around school exits trying to pick up boys, because that's where it will lead.'
That's fucking asinine. It's bigoted and homophobic too. He's trying to cloud the issue by equating homosexuals with pedophiles. What's the matter Ron? Are you afraid that they'll get in the way of all of those dirty old men hanging around trying to pick up 16-year-old girls?
'I was concerned about young boys being predated upon by older men. At 16 they haven't matured sufficiently. It's an unnatural act and unnatural behaviour.'
The real issue here is the stigmatization and criminalization of homosexuality, the prejudicial attitudes of legislators and the inequities that result. If legislators believe that a 16-year-old is mature enough to consent to a heterosexual relationship, then he or she is mature enought to make that same decision about a homosexual relationship too.

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Christian rocks to music of 'sinners'

Mike Ross writes in this article:
One might ask how Jim Witter, an openly Christian singer, can reconcile singing the music of Elton John, an openly homosexual singer. Being gay is a sin. It's right there in the Bible (Old Testament): "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death."
So you think being gay is a sin. Hang on, fuck-head. What the fuck does that have to do with an "openly Christian" singer performing the music of one of the most talented musicians that ever lived? Nothing. So, shut the fuck up and let the man play.

BTW, what is this "openly Christian" shit? Does it mean he's one of those assholes that runs around thanking Jesus for everything?

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UAE Sentences 26 Gays To 5 Years In Prison

Police in the United Arab Emirates raided what they referred to as a "gay wedding" and arrested twenty-six men. These men have since been convicted of homosexuality, and each was sentenced to five years in prison. Police, however, acknowledge that none of the men arrested were engaged in a sexual act at the time of the raid.

Unfortunate as these men might find their situation, they should consider themselves lucky that they were not arrested in Iran or Nigeria, where gays are executed.

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Darth Phelps to Picket King's Funeral

Darth Phelps and the rest of his homophobic sith are going to picket Coretta Scott King's funeral:
Westboro Baptist Church, headed by Fred Phelps and known for its "God Hates Fags" signs carried at protests, said it is picketing the funeral because Mrs. King believed in equality for gay people.

"WBC has warned Mrs. King for more than 10 year [sic] that by endorsing the homosexual agenda she was bringing down the wrath of God upon herself, her family and the black civil rights movement. She is an ingrate --— unthankful and holy," the church said in a press release.

Sick illiterate fucks...

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"Ex-gay" on Brokeback Mountain

In this article Tim Wilkins writes:
"A reporter asked my thoughts about the movie and I obliged. My comments as a former homosexual were made from the reviews I had read -- comments which generated numerous emails to me from individuals arguing that I could not make an intelligent comment on a movie I had not seen."

He's a so-called "ex-gay" who won't see the movie because he's still tempted by same-sex attractions. Nevertheless, he commented on the movie to reporters.

Dude... If someone asks you what you think of a movie that you've never seen, do us all a favor and keep your fucking mouth shut!

see also:


Lambda Legal vs. World of Warcraft

An excerpt from the letter Lamda Legal sent to Blizzard:
Although Blizzard is well within its rights to insist that players avoid referring to other gamers in an “insulting manner,” Blizzard cannot issue a blanket ban on any mention of sexual orientation or gender identity. There is nothing “insulting” about identifying oneself as gay, lesbian or transgender, nor does the announcement of a guild for LGBT gamers constitute “harassment” in any sense of the word. If other players react insultingly to the mere presence of LGBT gamers, then Blizzard should discipline the harassers, not attempt preemptively to silence the potential victims of harassment.
Sic 'em, boy...

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Sunday, February 05, 2006

World of Warcraft Bans GLBT Guild

According to this article, Sara Andrews has been denied the right to create a GLBT friendly guild within the popular online game World of Warcraft.
They [Blizzard Entertainment] released a statement which said the phrase GLBT was not allowed because it has a "tendency to result in communication that often breaks down into harassment."
So, rather than having a policy against harassment and ejecting abusive players, Blizzard would rather bar GLBT members from creating the same kinds of virtual communities that heterosexuals do. Well, apparently the online game company does have a harassment policy. According to this article, after several exchanges between Sara and the company, they responded:
"While we appreciate and understand your point of view, we do feel that the advertisement of a 'GLBT friendly' guild is very likely to result in harassment for players that may not have existed otherwise. If you will look at our policy, you will notice the suggested penalty for violating the Sexual Orientation Harassment Policy is to 'be temporarily suspended from the game.' However, as there was clearly no malicious intent on your part, this penalty was reduced to a warning."
Hang on... Blizzard is accusing Sara of violating their Sexual Orientation Harassment Policy? How... fucking dumb is that?
Sara Andrews has stated that she will not be renewing her World of Warcraft account due to Blizzards lack of support for a GLBT friendly environment, "It seems to be OK for general chat to be flooded with, 'That's so gay!' and 'I just got ganked! What a fag!' yet advertising for a GLBT friendly environment where we don't have to deal with such language is deemed inappropriate."
You go girl!

Apparently Blizzard would rather pander to their obviously puerile and homophobic fan-base than demonstrate any kind of social conscience. The almighty dollar wins out every time.

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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Bush Admin Equates Gay Rights Groups With Pedophilia

This article states:
State Department spokesman Edgar Vasquez said Friday: "The United States continues to implement a law requiring certification by the United Nations to prohibit funding of NGOs that condone pedophilia. The United States as a policy matter remains concerned about support for pedophilia, and we believe that ILGA must establish a verifiable process to ensure that neither it nor its member organizations promote or condone pedophilia".

Once again, government officials hide their rabid homophobia behind the vicious and heinous presumption that all gay men are pedophiles.

Okay, my gentle snowflakes, let's review some of the relevant history, excerpted from the Wikipedia:
  • In the summer of 1993, the ILGA gained consultative status on the ECOSOC
  • In 1994, their status was suspended when the notoriously homophobic prick Jesse Helms led a crusade against the ILGA, based on NAMBLA's membership in that organization
  • At that time, the IGLA, by a vote of 214-30, expelled NAMBLA and two other groups that "promoted or condoned pedophilia."
So, the ILGA has taken demonstrable steps to address these concerns and yet their repeated attempts to be reinstated have been denied. Opponents objected on the grounds that they believe the organization has not provided sufficient evidence to prove that these pedophile groups have been removed from its membership roster.

Essentially, the ILGA has refused to provide UN officials with a list of its member organizations.

Let's see -- the countries that oppose the ILGA in this situation are also those that criminalize homosexual behavior. Iran, for example, executed two gay teens in the city of Mashad back in July of 2005.

Release its list of member organizations to these monsters? No fucking way.

see also:

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