Subject Oriented: Homophobic Slurs

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Homophobic Slurs

You've heard faggot, fudge packer and "(you're|that's) so gay." Well now, students at Gonzaga University, a Jesuit school, have taken to chanting "Brokeback Mountain" at opponents during sporting events. Apparently, this new epithet was coined by members of the university's Kennel Club, which is apropos given that they behave as if they ought to be tied up and kept behind a chain-link fence.

Maybe this will start a trend -- using movie titles as slurs. Come to think of it, the aforementioned members of
the genus Canis do suggest a few examples:
Actually, I retract the last two... I have a certain reverence for the male phallus. It's a work of beauty and serves several very useful purposes. So, suggesting that these assholes are dicks is
demeaning to every penis on the planet.

see also:

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