Subject Oriented: Brokeback Mountain -- The Real Message

Friday, December 30, 2005

Brokeback Mountain -- The Real Message

When gay men and women are forced to conform to your narrow definition of societal norms, bad things happen.

Jack and Ennis found each other, but they couldn't stay together. Ennis certainly knew this:
[Ennis is describing a childhood memory to Jack]
Ennis Del Mar: I tell ya there... there were these two old guys ranched up together, down home. Earl and Rich. They were pretty tough ol' birds. Anyway they... they found Earl dead in an irrigation ditch. Took a tire iron to 'im. Spurred him up, drug him 'round by his dick 'till it pulled off.
Jack Twist: You seen this?
Ennis Del Mar: I wasn't... nine years old. My daddy, he made sure me and brother seen it. Hell for all I know, he done the job.

So, they left each other to go be "normal".

Here is one simple truth: you cannot ignore who you are. You can try, but pretending
to be something you're not just doesn't work. In the case of Jack and Ennis, it led to infidelity and generally made everyone involved miserable.

None of it had to happen...

Suppose, for a moment, that Jack met Ennis. They fell in love, got married and built a life together. They shared their ups and downs, cared for each other, grew old together and eventually died.

Okay... So what would have happened? (besides making for a rather boring movie.) Let's see:

Would society have come crashing down?
There have always been gay men and women living in long-term, committed relationships. Have they damaged society? No. Granted, I have no evidence to support my claim, but, then again, you have no evidence to support your claim that they have.

If anything will cause society to come crashing down, it will be reality shows.

Would your God have smote the world?
You have to admit, he hasn't smote anything in quite some time.

If American society is as depraved as you believe it to be, don't you think that if he was going to do his Sodom and Gomorrah thing again, he'd have done it by now?

Would the Earth have exploded and been cast into the depths of a fiery hell?
Probably not, although it'd be soooo cool -- so long as ILM did the special effects.


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