Subject Oriented: Found On the Road Dubious

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Found On the Road Dubious

Okay, this is old news, which is an oxymoron, I know...

Speaking of morons: Ford pulled its advertising from LGBT publications.

Apparently the A.F.A. (A.K.A. the American Family Association) (A.K.A. American Fuck-heads Anonymous) has decided that selling Jaguars and Range Rovers to gays and lesbians is a bad thing. I suppose it's really that they don't want anyone supporting anything even remotely gay.

Bullies... Homophobes... Nazi bastards...

I don't know... If I were to believe in some sort of supreme being, I think my version of this deity would be pretty pissed at your hateful attitude. If yours isn't, then fuck Him.


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