Subject Oriented: AFA Reinstates Boycott Against Ford

Monday, March 13, 2006

AFA Reinstates Boycott Against Ford

The fuck-heads are at it again. This time they're joined by 18 other Christian terrorist groups, including:

It's ironic -- right-wing assholes like these fuck-heads are ususually the staunch defenders of unrestrained capitalisim. Yet when Ford goes after the $64 billion of disposable income that gays will spend in the year 2006, they get bashed by these hateful bigots for supporting human rights.

You know, I'm kind of conflicted -- if this boycott keeps just one fat, ugly,
bible-thumping cow from driving a Ford FUV (fuck-u vehicle) down the road while talking on a cell phone, then maybe it's not such a bad thing after all.

see also:

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