Subject Oriented: How Does Gay Marriage Harm Marriage?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

How Does Gay Marriage Harm Marriage?

Charmaine's blog says:
Stanley Kurtz answers the question at NRO today. He says the importance of marriage revolves around providing a stable place for children to be raised. . . and non-marital relationships -- "gay" or otherwise -- or [sic] just not as stable.
This presupposes that heterosexual marriage somehow assures a stable environment for children. Come on. Even you can't believe that, and if you do, I'd be glad to give you a really sweet deal on this bridge I own out in San Francisco.

If this is all about the welfare of children, then let's take a look at a really disturbing fact: as of 2004, US Census Bureau statistics show that 13 million children were living at or below the poverty level.

Charmaine, I have to ask: why the fuck are you spending any time worrying about gay marriage?

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