Subject Oriented: "Rome Seminar": Gay Marriage Poses Risk to Children

Saturday, March 11, 2006

"Rome Seminar": Gay Marriage Poses Risk to Children

Priests accusing gays of being a threat to children? You're kidding, right? That sounds like the punch-line to a really good joke.

The article reads:
French Msgr. Tony Anatrella, a psychoanalyst and consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family, said gay couples were unable to give children the model of sexual difference that any child needs to develop his or her own sexual identity.
This psycho anal-yst assumes that a child's sexual identity is exclusively a product of its parent's sexuality. As Lew would say, "How... fucking dumb is that?" If that were true, it would stand to reason that there would be no gays in the world. Right?

The article also mentions that:
He referred to one recent study, which he said showed that 40 percent of children raised by homosexuals became homosexuals themselves -- an assertion that was greeted by laughter from some members of the audience.
Every rigorously scientific study ever conducted clearly indicates that children raised by same-sex parents are no more or no less likely to be homosexual than children raised by heterosexual couples or in single-parent families.

Laughter? Yeah... I would have laughed all the way out the door, after a statement like that.

Here's were it really gets funny:
Msgr. Anatrella said there were other psychological "collateral effects" of being raised by a same-sex couple that show up only in adulthood.

"And among the young people who have lived this experience, within three or four generations this will bring some psychotic pathologies. I'm not saying these children will become psychotic, but they will experience an alteration of the sense of reality," he said.

"We could reach the point where we have violence, and what I call 'civilized delirious behavior,' " he said.
The only delirious psychotic around here Tony is YOU. Why don't you just shut the fuck up.

Then, the article discusses what David S. Crawford, a professor at the John Paul II Institute in Washington, said:
While arguments for legal recognition of gay marriage are often made in the name of tolerance, such a change would impact the rights of all members of society and lead to a form of "compulsory homosexuality."

When for legal and cultural purposes the person is considered fundamentally asexual, than "all relations -- including the man-woman relationship -- are therefore fundamentally homosexual. They all become in this sense essentially, or at least for legal and social purposes, gay," he said.
"Compulsory homosexuality?" Just because I think everyone should be gay -- especially the cute guy who sits at the guard station in the lobby of CCA14/15 -- that doesn't mean that everyone HAS to be gay.

Then he talks about people who, for legal or cultural reasons, are fundamentally asexual, and that these individuals would become, at least for legal and social purposes, gay. You mean like priests?

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