Subject Oriented: Dancing Queen

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Dancing Queen

I'm a Scott Adams fan. I read Dilbert, when I can. Recently, I discovered his blog, through a co-worker. Anyway... his latest installment, titled "How to Dance", is pretty funny.

At the end, though, he says:
At this point you’re also effectively gay, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

For those of you who haven't read his article: I guess the implication is that gay men are good dancers. This is, of course, a stereotype, which I can assure you is most definitely false. As stereotypes go, thought, it's one of the less objectionable, but that's not really the problem.

He says, "There's nothing wrong with that." Being gay, that is. True, but no one believes him. If they did, then the expression "that's so gay" would not be a epithet. If you don't believe me, then try your own little experiment: walk up to any random heterosexual man and tell him you think he's gay.

NO! I will NOT pay your hospital bill.


All kidding aside, it makes me very sad to know that I will never change anyone's mind, or live long enough to see these attitudes change.

Oh bother.


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